Synthesys Extended
Synthesys X Chrome Extension - Installation and Features:
Basics of Synthesys eXtended + Canva Integration
1 - Basic Setup:
- Integrate Canva Synthesys Humans App With Your Synthesys AI Studio Account
- Install Synthesys eXtended Chrome Extension
A - Steps To Integrate Canva Synthesys Humans App With Your Synthesys AI Studio Account:
Login Into your Canva account, free or paid
Create a New Project:
Click the Apps Button on the Sidebar
Search for Synthesys Humans
Open The App
Connect Canva With Your Existing Synthesys AI Studio Account - Sign In
Click Connect Button
Sign in with your Existing Synthesys Account, to successfully connect Synthesys Humans Canva app with your existing Synthesys AI Studio account
B - Steps To Install Synthesys eXtended Chrome Extension
Log Into Your Existing Synthesys AI Studio Account -
Navigate to Synthesys Lab Tab & click on the Synthesys X chrome Extension
Direct Link >>
Click on Add To Chrome To Install Extension Into Your chrome browser
Click to open SynthesysX Chrome extension in your browser extension stack, then click the Login button to Login into Synthesys eXtended with your existing Synthesys AI Studio Account.
Extension opens in a new Incognito Window for you to login with your Synthesys AI Studio account.
C - Basics of Image & Video Generation Using Synthesys eXtended Chrome Extension
Now you can start generating various kinds of visual content including images and video with Synthesys eXtended Chrome Extension such as:
- Image Replication:
- Character Generation
- Generate a Talking Character With Synthesys Humans Canva App
- Animated Videos
- Regenerating Images With Text
- Audio Translation
How To Create Image Replica From An Existing Image Online:
- Open a stock image platform such as:
- Select An Image > Right click on the Image And Select Revisualize this image
- Note: Revisualize This Image Function Is best Used With Source Images That Do Not Include People or any sort of characters.
How To Generate Similar Character From An Existing Image Online:
- Find An Image Online or on a stock photo site
- Select An Image > Right click on the Image And Select > Generate similar character.
- Various actions that you can take after generating similar character image:
- Create variations of your character image
- Download your image
- Upscale your image
- Create a video from your static character image
- Animate character portrait based on a Live portrait Video you upload See Live Portrait Settings Section 👈Click The Link
See the Image below:
How To Generate a Talking Character With Synthesys Humans Canva App
- First find a character image online, then generate a similar character
- Hover your mouse on the image and click on “Send to Canva to generate a talking character”
- Synthesys eXtended will automatically send that new character into your canva synthesys humans app.
- Go to canva to find your new character image, which you have sent from Synthesys X chrome extension into Canva
- Follow the steps below (Enter your script, Select Voice character, Listen to script, Generate AI Video)
- Find your new Video in the recent tab.
- Drag your video from the video tab, into your project workspace.
- You can further customize your video inside of canva and export.
How To Create Animated Videos From Your Static Image
- First revisualize an existing image or generate a similar character
- Hover your mouse over the image and click on the create video.
- Download your new video and use it in your project.
How To Regenerate Images With Text While Preserving The Text
- First you need to turn on the “Text eye” Feature in the Synthesys eXtended Revisualize Settings.
- Next Right Click and Select Revisualize this image, your image will be revisualized and the text is preserved, making it perfect for your social media post.
How To Translate Audios With Synthesys eXtended
- First, you can only translate an audio mp3 file with a maximum size of 50mb
- Simply Upload your mp3 file
- Select your preferred language
- Hit the Translate audio button.
D - Key Settings & Functions
We’ll go over some critical settings and their respective functions, and how you can harness these settings to help modify your creations.
Access The Settings Page: Click on the gear icon to access all settings
Character Settings:
- Manipulate Prompt: This will create similar character images based on your source image, but with subtle changes as specified in your prompt.
This is the Resulting Image with subtle changes based on the prompt:
- Character Consistency: This functions helps you personalize your output images by uploading your selfie or photo. SynthesysX will recreate similar character as the source image, while maintaining the look from your reference uploaded selfie or photo.
Here is the resulting personalized images generated
- Pose Control: This functions helps you copy the body composition, outlines, body poses from your source image into your newly generated image.
Here is the resulting pose control images generated
Live Portrait: Bring your portrait to Life, by replicating the movement of a character from a source video to your static protrait image.
Step 1: Upload the video that need to be replicated here:
Step 2: Generate Similar Character
Step 3: Click on Animate Portrait
Result: Your portrait is then animated based on the movement from your source video. See the Live Portrait action below.
Revisualize Settings:
- Text Eye: Please refer back to the section that covers: “How To Regenerate Images With Text While Preserving The Text” 👈Click The Link
General Settings:
- Number of Images: Select between 2 or 4 images to be generated, the default is 2.
Glad you made it to this stage. Please don’t forget to further explore other learning options, such as our tutorial videos and webinar training.
Synthesys EXT Support Desk: